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How to Order
Track & Trace
Dobe TP4-022 Wireless Keyboard for PS4 Controller
Silicon Cover Set for Nintendo Switch
Hori NSW-239A Animal Crossing Handbag WH-GR
Hori NSW-242A Animal Crossing Play Stand
Hori NSW-268A Aluminum Case Pikachu Cool-Nintendo Switch
HyperX ChargePlay Quad (Joy-Con Charging Station)

Oddworld Collection [R2]  
รหัส : NSW-203
ราคาปกติ :  1,890.00 บาท      
ราคาพิเศษ :  1,190.00บาท
ส่วนลด 50 %
ราคาหลังหักส่วนลด 595.00 บาท
รายละเอียดทั้งหมด :

Welcome to oddworld!

oddworld: collection is the oddest collection of all and the complete oddworld experience for Nintendo switch!

escape from your company that want to turn you into their next delicious piece of meat in puzzle-platformer oddworld: new'n'tasty. Avoid extinction and soulless scientists along the strangest duo ever in an adventure like no others in oddworld: munch's oddysee. Become a bounty hunter with mercy in oddworld Stranger's wrath, an unprecedented mix of third-person and first-person shooter!.


  • 3 great oddworld games in 1!
  • oddworld: new 'n' Tasty is a ground-up remake of the mind-blowing puzzle-platforming adventure oddworld: abe's oddysee. Delivering the atmosphere of a much-beloved classic in a gorgeous HD aesthetic that caters to modern gamer's sensibilities.
  • in oddworld: munch's oddysee, Switch between Abe and munch and use special powers, cool power- ups, and other special abilities to reclaim the last gabbit Eggs on oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar. May odd help you!
  • oddworld: stranger's wrath features a unique hybrid viewpoint that the player switches between first and third person at will, depending on their situation. First person for combat situations, third person for world traversal
ค่าส่งสินค้าต่อหน่วย :   50.00 บาท


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